Sprint Racing was the order of a light-wind Wedneday, at the iQFOiL International Games #2 in Cadiz.
The Sprint Slalom, previously used in light wind, consists of a fast-reaching start, followed by a downwind leg, a gybe, and a final reach to the finish.
The U Sprint follows a similar layout but adds an upwind leg after Mark 3 before the final reach to the finish.
And lastly, the Upwind Sprint starts with an upwind leg, followed by a reach, a downwind section, and a final reach to the finish.
These modular courses allow for seamless transitions between layouts, ensuring variety for the athletes and keeping the racing dynamic in prolonged light-wind conditions.
In the Senior Women, Tamar Steinberg ISR won three of the four Sprint Races. She now leads a provisional all-Israeli Senior Women podium. With Second Sharon Kantor and third Daniela Peleg. Britain’s Emma Wilson (BFD, 3,5,1) is in fourth.
In the Senior Men, Grae Morris AUS remains top of the leaderboard after winning three of the four races. Finn Hawkins GBR (1,1,3,3) is second overall, while Noah Lyons USA is third, Max Castelein NED fourth.
Other British positions after 12 races are: Women, Alice Read 17th and Lucy Kenyon 26th. Men 6th Andy Brown, 10th Matt Barton, 11th Duncan Monaghan, 15th Boris Shaw and 17th Max Beaman.
A storm is expected to bring winds up to 30 knots, with gusts of 40 knots Thursday, putting the final day of the opening series at risk before the Medal Series on Friday.