Mateusz Kusznierewicz seizes lead of 5.5 Metre World Championship

Mateusz Kusznierewicz’s Aspire (POL) has taken the overall lead after day 2 of the 5.5 Metre World Championship

Kusznierewicz, Gacek and Wright win 5.5 Metre Alpen Cup at Torbole

Aspire (POL 17) of Mateusz Kusznierewicz, Przemysław Gacek and Ed Wright has won the 5.5 Metre Alpen Cup at Circolo Vela Torbole.

5.5 Metre French Open – Kusznierewicz retains title in Cannes

Mateusz Kusznierewicz sailing Aspire with Przemysław Gacek and Flavio Marazzi retained the 5.5 Metre French Open title they won in 2021 at the Regates Royales in Cannes

Aspire wins 5.5 Metre Swiss Open

Aspire of Mateusz Kusznierewicz, Przemysław Gacek and Ed Wright won the 5.5 Metre Swiss Open at Brunnen on Lake Lucerne, hosted by Regattaverein Brunnen, on Wednesday.